Half Round Rails

Peeled Rails

Half round rails, pressure treated with Tanalith preservative.

Peeled rails are generally tapered. The narrow end is about 100 mm in diameter, while the wider end is about 125-150 mm. These measurements are approximate and every rail is different.

Name Information Price* Shopping list
100/125 mm diameter Rail 3.66 m (12 ft) £8.10
* Prices are inclusive of VAT @ 20%.

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What is the shopping list?
You can print or email your shopping list to make ordering easier.

* Prices are inclusive of VAT @ 20%.

Machined Rails

Half round rails, pressure treated with Tanalith preservative.

Name Information Price* Shopping list
100 mm diameter rail 3.66 m (12 ft) £8.40
* Prices are inclusive of VAT @ 20%.

What is this?
You can print or email your shopping list to make ordering easier.

What is the shopping list?
You can print or email your shopping list to make ordering easier.

* Prices are inclusive of VAT @ 20%.