Fencing Strainers

Tanalised UC4 Strainers

Peeled and pointed (cundy) strainers, pressure-treated by George Walker Ltd with Tanalith preservative to UC4 for in ground contact.

Please contact us about alternative sizes.

Name Information Price* Shopping list
2100 x 125-150 mm Strainer Tanalised REDWOOD £19.20
2400 x 125-150 mm Strainer Tanalised REDWOOD £21.60
* Prices are inclusive of VAT @ 20%.

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* Prices are inclusive of VAT @ 20%.

Creosoted Strainers

Peeled and pointed fencing strainers, pressure treated with Type C creosote. The latest version of creosote approved for fencing materials excludes the more volatile compounds found in the traditional Type B creosote, resulting in less leaching of creosote from the timber and making it a more environmentally friendly product. The creosoted product has a lighter more variable colour, and less odour.

Please contact us about alternative sizes

Name Information Price* Shopping list
2100 x 125-150 mm Strainer CREOSOTED £32.40
2400 x 125-150 mm Strainer CREOSOTED £37.20
2400 x 150-175 mm Strainer CREOSOTED £49.20
* Prices are inclusive of VAT @ 20%.

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You can print or email your shopping list to make ordering easier.

What is the shopping list?
You can print or email your shopping list to make ordering easier.

* Prices are inclusive of VAT @ 20%.