Oak & Softwood Paling

Oak Paling

Paling fence now available in 10 yard (9 metre) rolls. Constructed from machined oak pales tied with three lines of galvanised wire.

Name Information Price* Shopping list
Oak Paling, 3-wire 3'6" tall (1070 mm) x 10 yards long (9.1 m) £135.00
* Prices are inclusive of VAT @ 20%.

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You can print or email your shopping list to make ordering easier.

What is the shopping list?
You can print or email your shopping list to make ordering easier.

* Prices are inclusive of VAT @ 20%.

Softwood Paling

Paling fence now available in 10 yard (9 metre) rolls. Constructed from machined softwood pales (larch/cedar/Douglas fir) tied with three lines of galvanised wire. The timber pales are treated with cedar oil to provide protection against the elements.

Name Information Price* Shopping list
Softwood Paling, 3-wire 3'6" tall (1070 mm) x 10 yards long (9.1 m) £96.00
* Prices are inclusive of VAT @ 20%.

What is this?
You can print or email your shopping list to make ordering easier.

What is the shopping list?
You can print or email your shopping list to make ordering easier.

* Prices are inclusive of VAT @ 20%.