Fence Repair

Metal Repair Spur

Galvanised steel repair spur. Used for extending the life of a wooden fence by supporting posts that have broken off at ground level.

Name Information Price* Shopping list
1.2 m long 75 x 38 mm £17.40
* Prices are inclusive of VAT @ 20%.

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You can print or email your shopping list to make ordering easier.

What is the shopping list?
You can print or email your shopping list to make ordering easier.

* Prices are inclusive of VAT @ 20%.

Concrete Support Post

Concrete support post (repair spur). Generally used to hold a wooden post clear of the ground, or to repair a wooden post that has broken off at ground level.

Name Information Price* Shopping list
4' 6" x 4" x 3" (1370 x 100 x 75 mm) £17.40
4' x 4" x 4" (1220 x 100 x 100 mm) £17.40
* Prices are inclusive of VAT @ 20%.

What is this?
You can print or email your shopping list to make ordering easier.

What is the shopping list?
You can print or email your shopping list to make ordering easier.

* Prices are inclusive of VAT @ 20%.